Combining our own sustainability with helping heroes within our communities
As the UK’s Largest Independent Glass Buying Group within the Commercial & Residential Markets, we wanted to show in a unique way how and more importantly WHY we place so much importance on our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint.
We want to do much more than recycle cullet glass, even though we are the largest independent recyclers of cullet glass in the UK with our 2024 projection standing at over 16,000 tonnes of cullet recycled into new glass. This alone enables us to save enough energy to power 11,000 house for 1 year. But that isn’t enough, we want to go further. We want to :
Increasing sustainability awareness within the Fenestration Industry
We aim to raise awareness through our own increased cullet recycling figures via our unit return campaign with our customers, of how important it is for the fenestration industry to help reduce materials use, carbon emissions and enable energy use reduction for end-users.
Highlight the effects of global warming and how we as an industry can come together to increase energy efficiency
We aim to Increase awareness how global warming is threatening our natural world and how the glass industry, with one of the highest carbon emission can come together to increase our sustainability by increasing our energy efficiency.
We have chosen the top 10 most threatened animals on the planet through global warming and will highlight each animals plight one animal per month throughout the campaign.
Engage with communities – Look for Heroes
We will be positively engage with local communities to help lower energy bills through free installs of energy saving glazing solutions for community heroes and charities that are nominated by the communities that we work within and encouraging our customers to choose their local community heroes.